Gabriel Anel Moreno

Headshot for Gabriel Anel Moreno
Titles and Organizations

Graduate Professional Assistant
The Graduate Division

Contact Information



Born and raised in Panama City, Panama, I have managed to transform the challenges of humble beginnings into a story of resilience, commitment, and adaptability. My journey from an underprivileged background to a Bachelor’s in Audiovisual Communications and a Master’s in Management, along with fluency in three languages—Spanish, English, and Portuguese—reflects my dedication to continuous learning and personal growth. With a solid foundation in audiovisual production, marketing and business analytics, I am passionate about canalizing creativity into palpable results and translating data into actionable insights that can create meaningful impact. Heavily inspired by a global perspective and an innovative mindset, I strive for greatness in every step towards the future, with reassurance that I’ll always aim to become a better son, a better student, a better friend and a better professional than the person I was yesterday.

Gabriel is working on his MS in Management and a graduate professional assistant in the Graduate Division working on communication and event initiatives.